Unpredictable storm on the loose…

I have been wearing a path between the TV and window today, listening to the latest weather updates and watching for the first flakes to appear. Todd, our local weather guy is predicting 4-8 inches and we have a couple of sleds in the basement just waiting for the storm of the decade.

After listening to hours of dire accumulation projections, I did the very thing I most hate to see people do in this situation, I panicked and went to the grocery store. I am not really sure what prompted the decision to go as I was just there yesterday. Somehow it seems that joining the frantic rush to grab loaves of bread and cartons of milk is part of the snow experience.

Our local Kroger was a zoo. From mega Mercedes to beater Chevy, every space in the parking lot was full. I circled around a few times and as the first snow flakes fell, I finally found an open spot. Surprisingly, carts were in abundance and the checkout lines were not too long but people looked rushed and shopped at a determined pace.

After a few near cart accidents, I got out with more groceries than we can quickly eat and have now settled in for a long evening’s wait. The ground is covered but the snow has tapered off. Our most recent precipitation has been in the form of rain and ice and Todd is beginning to waffle, maybe earlier snow predictions were a little high, maybe a few inches is all we will see. So my sled and I wait, and wait, and wait…

