Back to the run…

Unlike most people who run to relieve stress, I found that running during the two weeks before my wedding just added stress, so I didn’t. I am a slow runner and the best I can figure is that as I ran, my mind went to the X task I could be completing in the time it tasks me to run X miles and it wouldn’t let go. I am sure there is a lesson about mental training and discipline in here somewhere.

So, last week was all about returning to a normal running schedule. Going from 0 to where I was 2 weeks ago was not quite as easy as I expected. Before the wedding I was doing some long runs with the Knoxville Marathon training group but decided to get out on my own for a week or two to build back my mileage (no, I do not currently plan to run the marathon). The Strawberry Plains 1/2 marathon is 3-4 weeks away and I am considering this race.

The weather last week was great and I ran my long run on Saturday, 10 miles. With the discovery of Cliff Shot Blocks, Lemon-Lime, my energy level stayed higher and I felt good for most of the run. But I am still struggling a bit with the mental piece, especially when a runner flies by me like I am standing still. This week’s weather has turned cold, rainy and snowy. I am hoping for an okay day on Saturday for a 12-miler.

