Running is a Pain in the A….

Running is a pain in the a…. right now. I am still having issues with my right leg-cheek and with the pain has come reduced motivation. Guess the motivation level is my body’s effort to protect itself from itself. Yesterday I climbed on the treadmill for a short run. It was uncomfortable and I threw in the towel at 2.2-miles. My pace was a slow 11:45 mmp and I was happy to stop.

This morning I was up early to get in a run before rain set in for the day. I ran 3.0 miles in an incredibly slow 36.39 minutes (12.13 mmp). It was painful but provided a good opportunity to think about my goals and what I really want to accomplish this spring. I decided to chuck the idea of doing a sprint tri Memorial Day weekend. No way can I get the swim part under control in 10 weeks without risk of more injury. Besides, there are a couple of sprint tri’s coming up in mid-July and August that will give me more time to slowly work into the swim.

Currently on the calendar, I have the Knoxville Marathon 5k at the end of March and I need to be healed by then. John and I plan to ride the 25 mile segment of the Tour de Blount in mid-May and I will add in the Expo 10K at the end of May. We also have two backpacks scheduled, one in mid-April and one in early May. This, along with the job search, is enough for spring 2008!
