Spring Flowers

Went out for a run today, unfortunately I did not get very far. Every right step was painful so I gave it up. Something is going on with the muscles in my right “cheek” and the back of my right leg. The pain started sometime Tuesday evening after the 5.2-mile hill run and 400 meter swim. I think it has something to do with the swim but I am not really sure. Hmmm, yesterday’s 16-mile bike ride did not hurt at all! So, instead of the run, I decided to clean out a front flower bed and take some photos of spring…it really is almost here!

Mahonia flower

One of the first signs of spring for me, besides the crocus, is the Mahonia flower. Generally speaking, I don’t like the Mahonia. It is a member of the barberry family and has some wicked spikes on the tips of its leaves (see above photo). When I trim this shrub, I always put on full battle gear but it usually gets the best of me.

The Mahonia shrub is often planted by landscapers and developers as a base plant. This one is planted near my front door. I would dig it up (came with the house) except for one thing, it produces the most incredibly fragrant flowers in late February and early March. The fragrance is similar to the magnolia bloom, sweet and citrusy. Anyone familiar with the magnolia will understand my passion for this smell. So the rest of the year I put up with the plant, though it goes on and off “death row” throughout the year. My guess is that the plant will outlast my existence in this house.

Daffodil, ’nuff said

Purple crocus are in bloom!

