Untitled Post

Gr-r-r-r-r! I am fed up with the problematic nature of Internet Explorer. After a computer shut down several months ago while trying to download the new Internet Explorer 7, I have been very careful about downloading newer versions of anything (except the army of protective software that maybe part of my problem). Several nights ago while trying to talk on the phone and work on Smithposts, I accidentally hit the download button for the new Blogger software. When I discovered I couldn’t log back in, I had a few days of serious aggravation.

In the “old” days of Blogger, I could research the help section and, if an answer wasn’t found, send an email. In a few days, a response would appear in my mailbox and I could fix the problem. But now that Google has purchased Blogger, things have become a bit more complicated. The Help link sends the reader on a problem solving deadend. Even the “Write Us” link does not lead to an email address but another series of instructions. I spent several evenings applying all sorts of tweaks and twists as directed by Blogger. In a weak moment, I even went as far as researching and ordering a new tower for my computer. This was an expensive knee jerk reaction and I came to my senses before the tower arrived at my front door.

John finally provided the solution by suggesting I try opening Blogger with another Internet explorer. I remembered that I had downloaded Foxfire while having an earlier problem with Internet Explorer. Foxfire was the solution, I am back on Blogger problem free…for now anyway.

