Riding the Back Roads

I can hear the tinkling of wind chimes through the screen door as I type. Another breezy, beautiful day in Knoxville!

John and I got out on our bicycles again today. We vacillated between a couple of routes that traversed various sections of town, but ended up on the country roads in South Knoxville, some 10-15 minutes from John’s house.

Our ride started at Howard Pinkston Library on Martin Mill Pike. The property includes several ball fields, a water fountain and some decent bathrooms so it is a great place to begin and end a bike ride. We rode a short distance on Martin Mill, took a left and slipped into the spectacular East Tennessee countryside.

Rolling terrain took us over ridges and into lush valleys. The sky was Colorado blue, farm fields were laden with spring flowers and we slowed down to look at cows, horses, donkeys and other animals residing in roadside pastures. We saw a few cars and outfits on the backroads but mostly we were alone.

We rode for about an hour, snaking through some 12 miles of road. Once home, we cleaned up and headed to our new, favorite restaurant, Ephesus Mediterranean Grill. A plate of gyros with freshly baked pita bread hit the spot.

Below are a couple of pictures from our ride. We don’t have a pocket friendly camera but we stuffed my larger Olympus into the saddle bag. John is looking a various small cameras. Not yet sure if he will purchase one.

Pre-ride photo. No need to look too close, there are no naked people in the reflection on my sunglasses 🙂

Still in the Howard Pinkston parking lot, this is a picture of John warming up

A pretty country road
A nice roadside Redbud in bloom

So which one of us do you think is the serious cyclist?

