Today is the last in our annual series of summer birthdays, anniversaries and parents days. These events glue our family together and I am sorry to see them come to an end.
Today is Carol’s day! She patiently sat through the cakes, meals and gifts that marked her sisters birthdays and now it is her turn. Happy Birthday Carol 🙂 In our family, the birthday person picks the restaurant and Carol chose Up the Creek in Maryville. This is a family favorite as we all like to indulge in the not so healthy selections of fish and chips, the “Grouben,” or Mother and Daddy’s favorite…fried oysters.
After lunch, Daddy, Mother, Carol and I made a stop at TCBY for ice cream cake (another birthday tradition). Carol picked the “Decadent Chocolate Chocolate” cake and it sure was rich!! Even the most dedicated chocolate eater (Daddy) could only consume a small piece.
“Yummy chocolate cake,” say Daddy, Carol (center) and Leslie. Leslie and Mike joined us for lunch and cake and filled us in on their exciting house hunting adventures. They were off shortly after cake to capitalized on the Sunday 2-4 o’clock open houses.
Happy Birthday Carol!