“There’s nothing like the sun as the year dies,
Kind as can be, this world being made so,
To stones and men and birds and beasts and flies,
To all things that it touches except snow,
Whether on mountainside or street of town.
The south wall warms me: November has begun.”
A few lines from a poem by Edward Thomas “There is Nothing Like the Sun”. A reminder on this cold, grey day that much beauty can be found as November arrives. Overcast days hold a stark beauty; sunny, crisp days are magical.
Today began heavy and overcast with a chill in the air and a dampness courtesy of yesterday’s rain. But I have had a good day, I broke through the clutter in my head and got outside for a run. My running stops and starts are legendary, at least around this house. Was it only four weeks back that I was going on in a post about my four week “running streak?” Ha! A simple stumble (tumble) on a hike and I am starting from scratch once again.

I ran a shortened version of my usual route. So much had changed since my last run. I felt the stillness and silence that arrives with November. Barren trees reached their dark limbs toward the sky, while their summer attire crumbled, dry under my feet. A seemingly lonely bird chirped in the dense weeds trailside, yet I expect a companion or two might be hiding nearby. Few others were out in the cold, and I enjoyed the solitude. I am a mighty runner when I am alone.
After my run, John and Katie joined me for a walk. Like me, this is Katie’s favorite weather. She walks briskly on these cold days, stopping on occasion to sniff. Given a chance, she will grab her leash and break into a run. I find much joy watching her transform out of summer’s lethargy to embracing fall.

Tonight, a freeze will settle in, then another mostly overcast day. By Tuesday, rain arrives again though I believe it will warm up sufficiently so that snow is not a possibility. John and I have van tasks to complete next week, winterizing and a warranty recall issue to attend to. We are grounded at home now until after the holidays so maybe I can catch up on van trips 3, 4 and 5. That is unless, of course, an interesting opportunity appears.
Just back a while ago from walking 3rd creek from Neyland and share you well expressed feelings!
Hope the walk went well, perfect walking weather, at least for me 😉