Saying goodbye…

While yesterday was filled with laughter and food, today was all about saying goodbye. Saying goodbye to someone you love is not an easy thing to do.

John and I arrived at the apartment around 9:30 AM. Itsa was feeling good and answered the door, giving hugs all around. We sat around the dining room table making idol chatter, mostly about Itsa’s 82nd birthday celebration next weekend. Time slipped by too fast and in a flash, it was time for us to leave.

I think it was about that time that Itsa leaned over, touched my arm and looked into my eyes. “Are you okay?” she asked softly. Well no, now that you ask, I am not okay, none of this is okay and I don’t know how to say goodbye. Needless to say, lots of crying and hugs followed.

It took us a while to say goodbye…to tell each other how much we mean to each other and to remember the fun we have have shared over the years. We got it all said, or as much as we could fit in through the tears.

The ride home was long but the trip is one I will always treasure. I am going to miss you my dear Aunt Itsa, you have made such a difference in my life…

