Running Journal 8-17-2008

I need some people! Dara Torres has people, at least 5 people. She employees people to push, pull and stretch her, people to coach her, people to help her reach her goals. I have goals and, with 14 years on Dara, I have a lot of aches and pains. I need some mashing, stretching, pulling and I definitely need some motivation.

Yesterday John stepped in as my people. He was quick to point out this was a volunteer position and as far as he was concerned, very temporary. He pulled my legs and mashed my muscles. He was good for only 15 minutes of effort but the pulling and mashing worked. My very uncomfortable hips (left and right hip are different heights) felt great and my muscle aches and pains eased. Yep, I am certain now, I need some people!

Running has been going well but the novelty of the treadmill is wearing off again. I am worried, the hottest month of the year is only 1/2 over! Luckily I am on a reduced long run rotation this week so the boredom incurred by watching the US Olympic basketball team mop up Spain was almost bearable. Next weekend we are talking about taking my long run to the Cades Cove Loop Road in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park so John can get in mileage on his bicycle while providing some level of support to me…who plans to run the entire loop, yikes!

Mileage this week:
Monday, 5.2 mi (outside, Neyland Drive), 66.34 min, 12.45 mmp
Wednesday, 3 mi (inside, treadmill), 33.18 min, 11.06 mmp
Upper body strength training, 20 min
Thursday, 4 mi (inside, treadmill), 47 min, 11.45 mmp
Saturday, 7 mi (inside, treadmill), 85 min, 12.14 mmp

Unfortunately, I did not get on my bike this week. Lazy I guess.

