Smash and Grab

We slipped into the late matinee this afternoon to see “Into the Wild”. “Into the Wild” is the story of Christopher McCandless, who walked away from his family and privileged life in the early 1990’s and hitchhiked across the country to Alaska. The story has a heart breaking end when Christopher dies of starvation in an abandoned bus in the Alaska wilderness. His path back to civilization, blocked by a raging spring river that was only a wide creek at the beginning of his journey into the wilderness.

Based on John Krakauer’s non-fiction book with the same name, the movie is compelling and difficult to watch at times. The cinematography is spectacular and it is no surprise that the cinematographer is Eric Gautier, who also worked on another one of our most memorable films, “The Motorcycle Diaries”.

Touched by what we had just experienced in the theater, we were slow getting to the car. The first thing that caught our eye was a guy in the car parked next to John’s, cleaning glass out of the frame of the driver’s door on his Jeep. It took about two seconds before we realized that John’s passenger window had also been smashed and glass slivers covered everything. We searched the car and discovered that John’s cell was the only thing missing. The guy in the Jeep had his Ipod snatched. John is a combination of angry and violated, I am just angry. What twists in the mind of a criminal that results in such behavior?

Now the “To Do” list for the weekend expands, car detailing, insurance contacts, cellular tasks and replacing the window.

