The Gemini Twins Celebrate Birthdays

Some pictures from our birthday celebration this year. This was Leslie’s “big” year so I took a bit of a backseat, some years are like that…

Flowers from John

Leslie with her many packages

In the past, we have celebrated at such places as “Up the Creek” and “PF Changs.” This year the big festivites were at “The Red Lobster”. Okay, don’t ask why we are at a restuarant on Memorial Day instead of having a big grilled burger.

Me and my package. Everyone else had already given me their gift.

Can you guess how old she is?? Maybe she isn’t my younger sister, but my older sister, yeah, that’s right, older!

After lunch, we had birthday cake at Shannondale

Leslie and I trying to chisel through the solidly frozen ice cream cake

Push, push! The flimsy knife struggled to get through the frozen goodies and I struggled with the flimsy knife

Leslie and Mike


Me and my guy!

The Smith girls

