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With John on his way home from visiting family in Huntsville, AL, I had another morning to work around the yard. Today’s goal…tackling my wild flower garden, which was totally out of control with weeds and Lenten Roses, both threatening to over take the more delicate plants. Several hours of work netted a slightly expanded, weed free (almost) garden, with a few new plants.

This new little plant (marked with a white stake) was purchased from the Overhill Gardens tent at Earth Fest. The plant, a Jack in the Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum), is probably my favorite wildflower. I have had marginal success growing Jack in the Pulpit in the past, but I have my fingers crossed for this little guy!

These large trillium are growing in my backyard! They seem to appreciate the ever encroaching Lenten Rose (white blooms). John and I bought the trillium and a beautiful pink columbine (airy leaves to the back- left of the trillium) on a trip to the UNC arboretum in Asheville, NC, the first year we dated. Six years and still growing strong (yeah, the trillium too).

