Untitled Post

Today is another spectacular Saturday in east Tennessee. Anywhere you are on a day like this is just the place to be. I happen to be at home doing household chores, trying to catch up from a busy holiday and several January weeks filled with work, meetings and hiking.

One thing I particularly enjoy when I am home is walking around my yard. In the winter, I am always in search of the first signs of spring, in the summer I am looking for early signs of fall. This afternoon I uncovered spring’s early sign…crocus leaves poking out of the ground. I always look forward to finding the leaves and anticipate the purple, yellow and white blooms gracing my gardens. But I also discovered daffodil leaves. Isn’t it a bit early for daffodils to wake up?

In any season I enjoy watching the activity around my bird feeders. Those funny little bird creatures provide unlimited entertainment. My bird feeders are usually humming with blue jays, cardinals, a red bellied woodpecker and the category I call “brown birds.” Brown birds are everything else including finches, chickadees and sparrows. But I am not sure what category to put those brown fuzzy things with the big tails in, the ones that hang upside down and try all sorts of tricks to steal sunflower seeds. The “nuisance” category I guess.

The crocus are peeking their leaves out of the ground.

Yikes, the daffodils are too. Isn’t it too early for daffodils??!!

