Life has been quiet this first full week of the New Year/New Decade. Lingering holiday leftovers have been swept from the house, wilted holiday flowers have been replaced with bright, sunny ones and art classes resume next week. A peaceful routine has returned to our lifes.
But I am restless. I drift from project to project thinking about 2020 plans that are yet to be defined. I like a good plan, a destination, a concrete challenge. We have missed our spring window for a longed for Portuguese walking trip and have moved on to fall. Maybe Alaska again, maybe somewhere else, Plan A, Plan B. I am working on options and we are having conversation so maybe it will all come together soon.

Today we took Katie on a several mile walk to a local wilderness area a few miles from the house. IC King Park use to be known for it drug deals and other illicit activities, someplace you didn’t want to be. The park has been become part of the city’s growing park system. A much needed accessible 2nd entrance has been added along with trails for hiking and single trek. Also large, engaging dog parks, one for dogs up to 45 pounds, one for dogs over. We didn’t take Katie to the dog park, we took her on the trails.

We left the trail at some point and headed up a series of small rolling hills. In the ground far below us (I hope), high pressure gas lines were buried. Away from bicycles and hikers, we could release Katie from her leash and let her run till she wears herself out. Well, maybe wears herself down.

Water levels on the Tennessee River are seriously down right now. Perfect for bird watchers, not so perfect for puppies that love water and discover that you have to slog through chest deep mud before reaching water. It was oh so hard for the puppy but oh what a joy when she got there!!

We have battened down the hatches as we prepare for an incoming storm, 50+ mph winds and rain. Anything that can become a projectile has been moved to the garage, bird feeders, windchimes and metal garden ornaments. Tonight we will ride out the storm with old friends and traveling companions (Israel and Italy) that we have not seen in several years.