With Christmas only 15 days away, we are limping to the finish. An upper respiratory infection has claimed my head and chest so John is carrying the household load along with a full load of students at work. We are both looking forward to his holiday break.
Thanks to on-line shopping some of the shopping is done, thanks to hosting the neighborhood book club last week a few (very few) decorations are set out but neither of us has made an effort to pack for a quickly approaching trip to Quebec City. We are definitely feeling the effects of the shortened time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. At some point we will do with what is done and call it a wrap.

At least Christmas cards are almost done. They too are abbreviated this year based on an uneventful 2019. Uneventful is good!

This morning the temperature dropped rapidly and a sloppy rain turned into this. Tonight the snow is still drifting down and the ground is almost covered. I think the system will blow out before the night is over and we will wake to a chilly sunrise. Meanwhile it’s little Christmas magic on the holiday countdown.