One step at a time…

Last November, on my initial physical therapy visit for the second flare up of my piriformis muscle, my physical therapist told me, “there is a reason why most elite women runners have bodies that look like men, a man’s body is more efficient for running.  You are not built like a man”…

Okay, I get it, I have wide hips, too many curves and my weight fluctuates, widely, but I do love to run!  Unfortunately, I have been on the side lines since late last summer when pain from my piriformis muscle stopped me in mid-step.

This morning was the target date for my first real run since the summer of 2011.  The run would be short, just one mile around a flat area in our neighborhood.  As it turns out, I could have picked a better weather day!  A temperature of 24 with a blustry “feels like” of 15, sent me back to my early running days when winter overdressing was the norm.  Not long into the run, I had my jacket tied around my waist.

The run went surprisingly well.  I paid careful attention to stride follow through and keeping my legs loose.  As my anxiety subsided, my labored breathing became relaxed and I enjoyed experience.  The mile went by too quickly. I could have continued on but my promise to myself and to John was to take it slow so I stopped and walked home (no hills just yet).

Providing the hip discomfort remains minimal today, I will be back at it in the morning.  One more mile…

After the run, I took the opportunity to walk around the yard. Along with the cold temperatures, we had a bit of snow last night.  Daffodil leaves are about 8″ above ground now.  My initial surprise quickly subsided as I remembered that the temperatures in Knoxville have been hovering in the 50’s daytime and 40’s nighttime.  The daffodils are as confused as we are.  


Daffodil leaves in the snow

The Lenton Roses looked cold.  Buds should be forcing their way out right now but on casual glance, I did not see any.

   Lenton Roses mingle with daffodils

A moment or two spent digging leaves away from the center of a plant netted this little treasure. The season of Lenton Roses is almost here….

