Summer flowers…

My gardens have been neglected since the summer thermostat shot up so I slipped outside for a few hours today to return some dignity to the summer chaos. Gardening is my pleasure, my “me” time, my time to think (or not).  In return for a little effort, the gardens yield endless bouquets of flashy reds, sunny yellows, cheery oranges and oh, so cool whites. 

On my project list was replacing the white pansies that still inhabited the pots on each side of the front steps. This has been a difficult task for me and I have been putting it off for a month. The pansies were a gift from my neighbors a few days after the death of my mother, but the relentless sun had long since wilted them and it was time to say good-bye.

My morning started with a trip to a local hardware store where I picked up several pots of red petunias and white zinnas.  It is late in the season to be purchasing start up plants and the ones I picked up looked pretty pitiful.  A good potting soil, a strong dose of fertilizer and some warm sunshine is the only hope these plants have for the rest of the summer.   I have my fingers crossed.

Shrubs, weeds and watering occupied the rest of my morning, it was time well spent!  While I wait for the petunias and zinnas to fill in, I will share some pics of several other pots I planted last month. 


