Untitled Post

Because I am so endlessly fascinated with the visuals from my Forerunner 305, below is a picture of my run today. I woke up early (sometime before 7:00 AM), laced up my shoes and headed out to a cool, but humid morning. Lots of debris on the road from yesterday’s severe thunderstorms, a few branches down and one tree. We are expecting similar weather this afternoon.

This route follows the Tennesee River. I was early enough to catch the morning river sounds…fisherman, Canadian Geese and other waterfowl. Nice morning!

I am back home looking for a corner to escape. Five men wielding power tools and paint brushes occupy much of the space, a radio is blasting funk music (thanks Daniel and Lee), cell phones ring constantly and chatter about the pitfalls of women is endless (who says men don’t gossip). The kitchen is coming along well but not yet ready for the “Big Reveal”. The frig and stove were delivered and installed during the past 2 days. Below is a preview!

Refrig still ensconced in plastice to protect the finish till the kitchen is complete

A very fine dual fuel stove!

