The last day of November…

Today has been a cold, rainy last day of November. So, we enjoyed this…

And did this…

As we flipped between channels to watch the Brothers Manning win their respective football games. Meanwhile, a thunderstorm hit. After several flashes of lightening, we looked out the window and discovered John’s car covered in this…

But the snow stopped as quickly as it began and all traces have been washed away by more rain. Happy last day of November!

I missed all local Thanksgiving related races this weekend so before I settled into an afternoon of TV and sleeping, I went to the gym and ran a nice 5k on the treadmill. The run went better than other recent efforts, something that I attribute to working on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. After the run, I completed a few sets on the jump rope then headed home for a round of pushup-situps. Not too bad for a dreary Sunday afternoon!

