Spinning Again…

Two days into “normal” time and I feel like I should be putting on my jammies at 6:30PM. What’s up with that?

Running has been a drag recently. My mileage has dropped significantly and getting in even a few miles has become a mental battle. While my last year solution would have been to stop exercising, I know the consequences of such action so instead I headed back to the gym to take up spin, again. Spinning has been a nice challenge and the time away seems to be having the desired effect. Today, after a stuffy, demanding 45 minute class, I climbed on the treadmill for a sweaty 1.5 mile run. Not much to brag about but I enjoyed it and intend to do it again tomorrow.

The end of 2008 is only weeks away, 8 to be exact. This year I have made some nice gains in fitness but my biggest goals remain just out of reach. Due to the upcoming start of a seasonal job with weekend hours, I have written off the November 15 Rutledge 1/2 Marathon, something that I attribute to my diminished motivation to run. With this in mind, I am starting to refocus on my goals and determine what 2009 races and events will get me there.

