Six tough miles!

The last run of this week did not go well! On schedule was a 6-miler. The route began at the same place as Wednesday’s run but turned right by the basketball arena and rambled through UT. The route was familiar to me as a motorist but new to me as a runner so I spent a few minutes Thursday night writing down the instructions in large print (so I wouldn’t need reading glasses) and folding the information in a plastic bag to stuff in my pocket.

I was running by 8:30 AM but in retrospect, I should have started earlier as the humidity was already high. I checked my instructions as I turned left or right and the first part of the run went well. Somewhere along the way, I became too confident and quit looking at my paper. Then I made a mistake and turned on the wrong road. It is no surprise to me that my internal gps is broken, but it does surprise me that after all these years I continue to think I can rely on it.

The sun was warm, the air still and not a spec of shade in sight. Whoops! No way would I backtrack to correct my mistake so I kept running in the direction of the river and soon crossed the railroad tracks. I popped out by the UT Vet School and onto the shady greenway but it was too little too late. I was still running but feeling very sluggish.

The mistake cost me about 1/2 mile but the heat and humidity would cost me more. I began a pattern of running for a few minutes, then walking a few. Jeff Galloway style I convinced myself, knowing I was walking more and running less than he advocates. As periods of walking increased, I had to work to convince myself to run and somewhere around mile 3.5, I threw the Jeff Galloway concept out the window. By mile 4, I was pretty much toast, walking a lot, jogging a little. I reached the car none too soon!

On one hand, the run was a disappointment. I know I can run 6-miles. Sometimes I wonder if my mind not in the right place. On the other hand, it is summer and I am still running. I should consider this a win! After this effort, I have decided to purchase a visor and a fuel belt for future long runs. Maybe hiding my face from the sun and a bottle of water and Powerade will help me through the rough patches. I plan to try the effort again next week.

Now John and I are off to Chattanooga for his family reunion…

