Running, eating, friends

Another run was in order yesterday so once again I headed out on my neighborhood streets. The sky was overcast with the threat of spotty thundershowers but unfortunately no rain fell. I am still feeling like I have been slammed so I was pleased to have completed the 2.6 mile rolling hill course with little effort. Next week I will begin kicking up my mileage, next week I will feel better!

My dad knows I have been feeling bad, mostly because I call him daily and tell him so. Late yesterday afternoon, he calls and asks if I have been running. The answer is of course, yes. He informs me that the air quality in Knoxville is somewheres around toxic and suggests I lay off the running until either 1) I feel better or 2) the air quality improves. This is followed by a moment of silence to be sure the information sinks in. Oh! Well, I am feeling pretty bad so taking his advice will not be too difficult.

Last night we had dinner with some friends. A couple of photos are below:

From left: Ginger, Ron, John, Kim and Will. John and Judi were our hosts. Judi is an artist, a weaver, and their home reflects their interest in all art…fabrics sculptures, pottery, glass and paintings.
From left: Kim, Will (John’s head barely shows behind Will’s), Judi and Ginger. Note Judi’s beautiful woven jacket.
John and Judi had beautiful dinner music playing in the background. The music, clear and soft, was not from an instrument we recognized. On questioning Judi about the music, Will learned that the sound came from a series of glasses filled to various levels and played with by rubbing the finger (or other instrument) around the rim to produce different notes. Above you can see Will attempting to recreate the sound. He needs a little practice…..

Dessert! Yum, yum!

