Getting Ready for Backpack #64

Based on my actions this evening, one would think I have never been on a backpack. But here I am getting ready for my 64th backpack and I can’t remember what I need. Blame it on my “advanced” age, the missing backpack list or the stresses involved with moving my mother from assisted living to a nursing home, but things are just not coming together for me.

The simple solution is to take everything I own, but this is surely a slap to the face of the ultra lighters who preach “weight, weight, weight.” Hmmm, the weather channel is predicting a low of 15 F with the “feels like” down to 7 F. Ultra lighters consider yourselves slapped! In the pack goes the bulky down jacket, fleece jacket, fleece vest, fleece pants, fleece sleeping bag liner, rain pants, jacket and gaiters, glove liners, gloves, hat, fleece neck gaiter…..”warm, warm, warm.”

