A Gastronomic Evening in the Backcountry

The Gourmet Backpack has come and gone. Once again we had a fine time in the backcountry. The weather was too warm during the day but just perfect in the evening, which encouraged everyone to stay around the campfire until just after 11:00 pm.

The location of the 2007 Gourmet Backpack was the North Fork of Citico Creek in the Cherokee National Forest (near Tellico Plains). It is a near perfect location, about 3-miles in, mostly flat hiking and a large campsite a cross the trail from the creek.

John is still recovering from collar bone surgery so I hiked in with BJ and Bob and Robin and Dave. Above, Dave heads across one of several creek crossing, while while Robin prepares to follow.

Dave, again, rock hopping the creek. As you can see, the leaves are falling but I think it is related more to the dry weather than the fall temperatures…we just haven’t had much of a cold snap yet.

Ron, pondering the meaning of life in the middle of the North Fork. Well, not really, he is preparing to take photos and get water for the evening meal.

BJ and Bob toasting with margaritas

BJ and Bob won the contest for “Most Creative Meal” based on their meal of rice, black beans, Quesadillas, margaritas AND fried ice cream (brought in still frozen with the aid of dry ice). They, of course, helped to influence the outcome by offering the judges (all of the participants in the backpack) samples of their drink and food. I must say, the fried ice cream was incredible!

Marti and Pat toasting with Canyon Sunrise cocktails. Not sure the booze content but I would say near 100%

Very cute! Robin and Dave feeding each other anti-pasta before a main meal of Ratatouille

Marti and Pat won the “Most Creative Presentation” award based on their use of tablecloth, dishes, drinks with star ice, straws and glow in the dark jewelry. Their meal? Salmon with spinach!

My meal…gourmet pizza (I know I did the same last year) and a nice Italian salad

Ron prepared a fine meal of salmon with mango sauce. By all rights, an award winning meal but he was too late completing his preparation, the voting was over.

Will and Kim were also on this trip, but as you can see, I don’t have any pictures of them. While I have my camera back from a successful repair stint at Olympus (see Colorado post), I neglected to bring backup batteries and the ones in the camera went dead before the evening festivities were in full swing. Oh well, next year’s Gourmet Backpack is only 12 months away. On my “must bring” list, John and a second set of batteries.

