Trail Scouting for the Gourmet Backpack

This morning, Barbara and I headed south to the Cherokee National Forest to scout the trail for next weekend’s Gourmet Backpack. The weather was perfect, blue skies, sunshine and a slight chill the in air, especially in the shade. Hard to believe that fall is just around the corner!

We had several water crossing and this water baby was glad to see low creek levels. Some leaves had begun to turn, most likely due to summer’s very dry conditions. All in all, this very fine Sunday hike will be a pleasant October backpack.

Along the North Fork of Citico Creek

A fall leaf floating in the current

Neither Barbara or I remember seeing this pulley car (used for river crossings) in previous hikes along this trail. The car path is now blocked with trees and limbs so it hangs only as a reminder of past times.

Barbara standing on the remnants of an old dam across the creek.

