Opening Night – Movies on Market Square

Last night, John and I went to Market Square for the 1st in the series of Movies on Market Square. We had a great time noshing on Tomato Head pizza pre-film then settling into our lawn chairs for my first viewing of the movie “Men in Black.”

I think I have mentioned in previous blogs that The Movies on Market Square series is sponsored by the Knox County Library and Friends of said library. In the past, the movie has been a great Friday night wind down. Unfortunately, this year FoL moved film night from Friday to Thursday. There are several obvious issues with the move, the biggest of which is the 10:00 ish pm ending on a school and work night.

A FoL volunteer told us the change was in response to Friday night football. In a follow up statement, the volunteer said the change is actually part of an agreement with the new downtown Riviera Cinema. Personally I think there is room for both films on Friday night. I hope the arrival of the Riviera does not threaten the survival of the Market Square series.

