Tears and Laughter

Sadness has been our shadow recently. After several months in intensive care, John’s father passed away last week. His family celebrated his life in the warm embrace of extended family and so many caring friends. For five days beginning last Tuesday, an unending supply of food came through the door confirming the words of my favorite uncle, “food is love.” The funeral was held last Friday, celebrating one very special life.

After the funeral, many people gathered in the Dunlap home where food comforted and tears and laughter filled the rooms. The young listened as the elders relayed a lifetime of stories about John’s father, Bill and John’s brother, Bill who passed away a short three months past. This occasion was a visible reminder to us of how ones own good actions toward others are repaid times 10.

I returned to Knoxville on Saturday, John came home on Sunday. He will greatly miss his father. Peace be with you William R. Dunlap.

