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Another trip to Arkansas this week. Aside from the usual Delta short term delays (causing a near miss of my return flight in Atlanta), assorted minor mechanical problems and the constant stream of turbulent air south of Tennessee, everything went okay.

The most interesting part of the trip occurred this morning when we pulled up at the corporate headquarters where we had a meeting scheduled for 8:30 am. An evangelical group from Kansas City was on a field trip to protest the corporation’s recent advertising in gay and lesbian lifestyle magazines and the government mandate to resume selling the morning after pill. This motley group of about 30, positioned themselves along the main boulevard with signs such as “Wxxxxx supports sodomy.” One hippie sorta Jesus looking guy in blue jeans was draped over an 8′ cross looking bored. A slick preacher with a megaphone shouted his message mostly in the direction of the corporate offices, an audience of vendors, employees, security cops and real police. While the police were busy snapping photos with their cameras, most everyone else was snapping photos with their cell phones. It was quite a sight and it was with some difficulty that we pulled ourselves away to attend our meeting.

