Untitled Post

Lots of shuffling in my house today as I attempt to make room for the furniture coming my way on Friday. After a morning of sorting through books, clothes and household items, Goodwill netted a nice bounty and I pocketed a few dollars from a stop at McKay’s Used Books. Unfortunately the city dump will receive the pirates bounty from my hard efforts!

While culling through my collection of books, I discovered a long forgotten literary treasure about China. “Journey Into China” is a National Geographic Society publication that I purchased some 20+ years ago. Hidden between the 512 gold edged pages are beautiful photographs and tales about the regions and cultures that make up the whole. Unlike the China relevant history books and novels that have absorbed my attention recently, this one makes no attempt to tackle the oppressive political history. A real plus considering I have just finished two emotionally demanding books, “Wild Swans” (Jung Chang) and “Wild Grass” (Ian Johnson). With “The Unknown Story, M*A*O” (Jung Chang and John Halliday) up next on my reading list. I welcome the National Geographic distraction. Later this evening I will curl up on my sofa, turn the gilded pages, look at the pictures and dream travel dreams!

