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Spent several days in San Francisco this week, well 2 days flying and 1 day in town. Prior trips to the bay area have yielded only business meetings for me so imagine my surprise when Dave suggested we drive into the city for a look around…and me without my camera! This is not a mistake I will make again.

A quick stop at a local market netted one Kodak High Definition throw away camera with 400 speed film, a permanently engaged flash and lens that placed everything far away and indistinguishable! I have posted the best of the worst. We had about three hours after our meetings to sightsee before we had to be back in Burlingame for dinner.

First stop, Fisherman’s Wharf sitting on the beautiful San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz is on the small island in the middle of the photo (small hump). The streak in the top of the photo? Who knows.
One of the main streets in Fisherman’s Wharf. The Wharf is filled with restaurants, trinket shops and interesting people. Visiting on a rainy Thursday in February meant that the tourist traffic was light.

The fish market at the Wharf was humming with shoppers. This guy drew quite a crowd to watch his techniques for chopping and steaming crab.

Crabs for sale!

Metal Man. We never did figure out exactly what this guy was suppose to be. He certainly attracted a lot of attention! We decided Metal Man is making a good living off the tourists, he drove up in a BMW and no, I didn’t pay for this photo. I waited till Metal Man was distracted and snapped the photo fast (note guy depositing change in metal box). Our dinner guests informed us that 4-5 Metal Men hang around the Wharf during the height of the tourist season and basically allow people to photograph them or be photographed with them, for money of course.

Looking toward the bay from the top of one of San Francisco’s hills. Alcatraz is barely visibly on the little island. We drove through some very elegant neighborhoods in the hills as well as some really run down stuff. Regardless of the condition of the property, the real estate value must be incredible!

The Golden Gate Bridge. My pictures of “The Bridge” are disappointing. I will have to go back and try again! 🙂

