Rich Mountain Trail-GSMNP

Happy Halloween!

Tonight I am on yard duty periodically checking my newly replaced party affiliated sign for signs of tampering. Sure enough, I went outside around 7:00 pm and found the plastic sign hanging almost off the metal frame with one leg of the frame pulled out of the ground. No serious damage and I have a backup in my window, just in case!

John and I took a quick hike up Rich Mountain Trail this morning, to look at the fall colors. We picked Rich Mountain Trail (on the Townsend side of the Smokies) to avoid the October traffic jams. Maples seem to be in high color; the colors are good, not great. Balmy 70 something temps and warm tropical breezes were in sharp contrast the late October date. We could almost close our eyes and believe we were in Florida.

Tuckaleechee Cove

A bit of fall color

More color changes yet to go
